Write for us- Fashion, Travel, lifestyle Guest Posts

by ayush


Welcome to our “Write for Us” page! We’re thrilled that you’re interested in contributing to our platform. Our community thrives on diverse perspectives, insightful stories, and valuable expertise from writers like you. Whether you’re a seasoned author with a keen eye for fashion trends or a passionate newcomer brimming with fresh ideas about the fashion industry, we’re excited to hear from you

Our Mission

Our platform is dedicated to fashion, lifestyle, celebrity talk, and much more. We aim to empower our readers with knowledge, inspire them with stories of success and innovation, and engage them with thought-provoking commentary on the latest industry developments. We are mainly focusing on Dehradun and Doonites lifestyle.

What We’re Looking For

We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics related to fashion, technology, business, marketing, sustainability and more. Here are some guidelines to help you craft your submission:

  • Originality: Content must be original and not previously published elsewhere.
  • Quality: We look for well-researched, well-written, and comprehensive articles that provide value to our readers. Your article should be informative, engaging, and insightful.
  • Relevance: Your submission should align with our mission and interest our audience. It should reflect the latest trends, research, and developments in the field.
  • Practicality: Articles that offer practical advice, tips, and how-tos are highly appreciated. We love content that empowers our readers to take action. If you are a fashion influencer, you can talk about Fashion tips for beginners, some fashion trends, what is the new trend in 2024, and we can get it published keeping in mind that your fashion sense is awesome.

Submission Guidelines

To ensure your article aligns with our standards and expectations, please follow these submission guidelines:

  • Length: Articles should be between 800 to 1500 words.
  • Formatting: Submit your article in a Word document or Google Doc. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability.
  • Sources: Cite all data, quotations, and external content referenced in the article.
  • Biography: Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) with your submission. You may also include a link to your personal website or social media profiles.
  • Images: If you have high-quality images or graphics to accompany your article, please include them. Ensure you have the rights to use these images.

How to Submit

Please send your article proposal or draft to contentninja11@gmail.com with the subject line “Article Submission: [Your Article Title].” Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within 24 hours.

What Happens Next?

  • Review Process: Our editorial team will review your submission to ensure it meets our guidelines and standards. We may suggest revisions or edits to enhance the article.
  • Publication: If your article is accepted, we will schedule it for publication. You will be notified of the publication date and provided with a link to the article.

For any query, contact us here contentninja11@gmail.com